A guide to all activities and attractions in Grand County.
A guide to all events and activities in Winter Park/Fraser area.
Community recreation center in Grand Park, just north of Winter Park on US40 – Multi-sport gym, weights and fitness, running track, pool, hot tub, sauna, steam, climbing wall etc.
Plan your trip to Grand Lake area and surroundings
Check road conditions/closures and web cameras on Colorado Department of Transportation web page
Home James Transportation - Airport Shuttle to Winter Park and Grand County
Urgent care and ER in Granby - Middle Park Medical Center 970-887-5800
Urgent care at Winter Park, at the base of the ski mountain, next to the ski patrol. Open daily (November 13 to April 20) 9am to 6 pm 970-726-4299
Fraser Medical Clinic 970-726-6778 (next to Safeway in Fraser) Walk in and same day appointments
Water Level for Granby Reservoir
Bureau of Reclamation Current Reservoir Data for Granby Reservoir, CO